Bhopal, MP - In a controversial move, houses of 11 Muslim families were demolished in Mandla district of Madhya Pradesh after police claimed to have found beef in their refrigerators during a crackdown on alleged illegal cow slaughter and beef trade.
The incident took place in Bhainswahi area of Nainpur town on Friday when a police team acted on a tip-off about cows being held captive for slaughter. According to Mandla Superintendent of Police Rajat Saklecha, they found around 150 cows tied in the backyards of the accused families.
"Cow meat was recovered from the refrigerators in the homes of all the 11 accused. We also found animal fat, cattle skin and bones," Saklecha told PTI. He said samples have been sent for forensic testing to confirm if the seized meat was beef.
The police officer claimed the demolition was carried out as the families were living on government land illegally. One person has been arrested so far while 10 others are absconding.
The action has sparked outrage from several quarters who have questioned the stringent collective punishment meted out to the families based on mere allegations, without allowing due process of law. Critics have also raised concerns over potential bias and discrimination against the minority Muslim community.
Cow slaughter is a contentious issue in Hindu-majority India where laws regarding cattle trade and beef consumption vary across states. In Madhya Pradesh, cow slaughter can attract a jail term of up to seven years.