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Valley of Words: Kashmiri Script Finds New Life in the Digital Age

Sunday, January 7, 2024 | January 07, 2024 WIB

Srinagar- The melodious lilt of Kashmiri, echoing through the snow-capped valleys for centuries, faced a silent threat: disuse. Its unique script, once swirling across parchment and canvas, risked fading into the realm of dusty archives. But in a heartening turn of events, the digital world is stepping in to breathe new life into this ancient language.

Silicon Valley giants are extending a helping hand. Microsoft Translator has embraced Kashmiri, allowing its intricate beauty to resonate across borders. Google Translate, bowing to a dedicated campaign championed by the Association of Kashmiri Mushairas (AMK), promises to follow suit soon. This inclusion opens doors to a wider audience, fostering cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

"These initiatives will be a game-changer," says Ashraf Nazir, a renowned Kashmiri poet. "Not only will they preserve our cherished language, but they will also pave the way for translation – both ways. Imagine Kashmiri literature reaching global readers, and world classics adorning our bookshelves in their Kashmiri garb!"

The AMK campaign, which rallied 17,000 voices to urge Google Translate's inclusion, is a testament to the community's passion. Young tech-savvy individuals are also weaving digital threads to bind the Kashmiri diaspora. Online platforms like "Kashmiriyat" and "Noorananda" offer a virtual haven for the language, hosting vibrant discussions, creative writing contests, and even online tutorials.

The journey, however, is not without its challenges. Standardizing the Kashmiri script and developing robust digital tools remain crucial steps. But the unwavering spirit of the community, coupled with the support of technology giants, offers a beacon of hope.

As Nazir aptly puts it, "The future of Kashmiri script is now being written on digital screens. It's a new chapter, and we, the custodians of this rich heritage, are determined to ensure it's a compelling one."

The vibrant hues of Kashmiri culture, once confined to valleys and whispers, are now finding their way onto pixels and bytes. In the digital tapestry of the world, the script, once threatened with silence, is finding its voice anew. The story of Kashmiri is not just about preserving a language; it's about preserving a legacy, a melody that echoes through the ages, now amplified by the magic of technology.

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