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"Tesla CEO Elon Musk Meets Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Fuels Excitement for Future Partnership"

Wednesday, June 21, 2023 | June 21, 2023 WIB
Elon Musk, the renowned CEO of Tesla and owner of Twitter, had the privilege of meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the commencement of his significant three-day state visit to the United States. This rendezvous took place in New York, where the Prime Minister engaged with nearly two dozen influential figures from diverse domains.

Tesla Twitter CEO Elon Musk With Indian PM Modi

After the meeting, Musk expressed his admiration for Prime Minister Modi, stating, "I'm a fan of Modi," when questioned by reporters. He further elaborated, "It was a fantastic meeting with the Prime Minister, and I hold a great fondness for him. We have known each other for a while, as he visited our Tesla factory a few years ago." Musk exuded tremendous enthusiasm for the future prospects of India, declaring, "I am incredibly excited about the future of India. I firmly believe that India holds more promise than any other large nation in the world."

This encounter between Musk and Prime Minister Modi was not their first interaction, as they had previously met in 2015 during the Prime Minister's visit to the Tesla Motors factory in California. When queried about a potential timeline for Tesla's entry into the Indian market, Musk confidently responded, "I am confident that Tesla will enter India as soon as humanly possible."

Musk also acknowledged Prime Minister Modi's sincere commitment to India, stating, "PM Modi truly cares about India, as he urges us to make significant investments in the country, which is something we are inclined to do. We simply need to determine the right timing." Musk emphasized the Prime Minister's desire to facilitate the growth of businesses in India, while ensuring that it benefits the nation. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Musk affirmed his interest in the Indian market, saying, "Absolutely."

Tesla Twitter CEO Elon Musk With Indian PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to Twitter to express his appreciation for the meeting with Elon Musk, stating, "Great meeting you today @elonmusk! We had multifaceted conversations on issues ranging from energy to spirituality." Musk reciprocated the sentiment, responding, "It was an honor to meet again." The Prime Minister commended Musk for his efforts in making technology accessible and affordable across various sectors. He extended an invitation to Musk to explore investment opportunities in India, particularly in the domains of electric mobility and the commercial space sector.

Prime Minister Modi embarked on this prestigious state visit to the United States, leaving for Washington DC on Tuesday morning. This visit holds immense significance, as it is an honor reserved by the American capital for the closest of allies. The Prime Minister's itinerary includes addressing a joint session of the US Congress, engaging with business leaders and the Indian diaspora, and participating in a state dinner at the White House alongside US President Joe Biden.

Enhancing trade and defense ties will be the focal points of this landmark journey, aiming to strengthen the bilateral relationship between India and the United States.
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